Old Brain Can Hold You Back From Being Grounded and Accomplishing New Goals


Old Brain Can Hold You Back From Being Grounded and Accomplishing New Goals

The human brain is a fascinating, intricate, and complex organ that serves as the command center of our being. It governs our thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions. One of its oldest parts, often referred to as the 'old brain' or the 'reptilian brain,' can surprisingly be a stumbling block in our journey toward being grounded and achieving our goals.

The Old Brain and Its Functions

The 'old brain' comprises the basal ganglia and the brainstem, the oldest parts of the brain in terms of our evolutionary history. Responsible for primal instincts such as survival, dominance, territoriality, aggression, and adherence to rituals and habits, the old brain exerts a powerful influence over our behavior, often without our conscious awareness.

The Old Brain: A Barrier to Grounding and Goal Achievement

Despite its importance in our survival, the old brain can hold us back from being grounded and accomplishing our goals. Its dominance can result in a constant state of alert, leading to stress and anxiety. This state can hinder us from being present and feeling grounded in our day-to-day lives.

In the context of goal accomplishment, the old brain's preference for routines and established patterns can act as a significant obstacle. It often resists changes, causing us to stick to old habits and behaviors, even when they are not beneficial to our growth and development. This resistance can inhibit our ability to create new habits that align with our goals.

Harnessing the Power of the Old Brain

The influence of the old brain need not be a negative factor in our lives. Understanding and accepting its role in our behavior can help us harness its power positively. We can work with it instead of against it. By being aware of the resistance it creates, we can consciously make efforts to step out of our comfort zone and develop new habits that support our objectives.

Meditation and mindfulness practices are beneficial tools in managing the old brain. These practices help us cultivate a state of awareness, allowing us to recognize when the old brain triggers fear or resistance to change. By acknowledging these feelings and choosing to act despite them, we can progressively rewire our brain to be more open to change.

Incorporating physical activities into our routines can also help. The old brain responds well to physical movement, helping to reduce stress and cultivate a sense of grounding.

The Root Chakra and Its Influence

The human brain and our energy centers, or chakras, play a vital role in how we perceive and interact with the world around us. Specifically, the 'old brain', one of the earliest structures of the brain from an evolutionary perspective, and the Root Chakra, the first of our seven chakras, can subtly influence our behaviors and feelings, sometimes holding us back from grounding ourselves and achieving our goals.

 The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with feelings of safety, security, and stability. When balanced, it provides a sense of being grounded and helps us navigate the challenges of life confidently. However, when this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can cause feelings of fear, insecurity, and disconnection, affecting our ability to set and accomplish goals.

How They Can Hold Us Back

Despite their critical roles, both the old brain and the Root Chakra can sometimes hinder our personal growth. The old brain's preference for routine and established patterns can resist changes necessary for achieving new goals. Similarly, an imbalanced Root Chakra can leave us feeling ungrounded, insecure, and apprehensive about stepping out of our comfort zone to pursue our objectives.

Harnessing Their Power

Understanding these influences is the first step toward overcoming these unseen barriers. By recognizing when the old brain's resistance or a Root Chakra imbalance is holding us back, we can consciously adopt strategies to counteract these effects.

Meditation, mindfulness, and grounding exercises are powerful tools in managing the old brain's influence and balancing the Root Chakra. Regularly practicing these techniques can help cultivate awareness, reduce fear and resistance to change, and promote a sense of security and grounding.

Physical activity is also beneficial for both aspects. For the old brain, it can help reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. For the Root Chakra, exercises like yoga, particularly poses that target the base of the spine, can help unblock and balance this energy center, promoting a sense of stability and grounding.

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