Feeling Stuck? Discover the Path to a Healthier, Happier YOU

Experience the Power of Personalized Coaching and Begin Your Journey to Transformation Today

Why Book a Call Today?

Nate Ortiz offers a holistic health and wellness strategy that goes beyond treating symptoms like weight issues, digestive problems, and low energy by addressing the root causes of your health concerns.

Nate helps clients heal their mind, body, and emotions through a comprehensive approach grounded in deep educational expertise and personal experience.

Overcoming a tough past of homelessness and struggles, Nate turned his life around and is now a renowned writer, celebrity life and health coach, and social media influencer.

Known as the lifestyle coach for those ready for change, Nate uses his past experiences and reengineered mindset to help people create their dream life.

Growing up in a turbulent family with addiction and incarceration, Nate faced numerous hardships but learned the power of exercise and positive communication when his stepfather returned from jail transformed and inspired him to shift his life.

As a speaker, he captivates audiences with his inspiring journey, from school groups to TV audiences. Influencing lives across various platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and his podcast, Nate is a beacon of inspiration.

By sharing his story and expertise, he not only lives his dream life but empowers others to reach their goals, like yourself.

It All Starts With A Coaching Call...


Whether it's tackling issues like:

  • Digestion, chronic pain, or fatigue
  • Overcoming mindset hurdles such as self-doubt, imposter syndrome
  • Finding your purpose, or navigating through emotions like stress and overwhelm

Together, we'll explore these areas to see how best I can guide you towards your goals.

The Process To Booking A Coaching Call 


Choose Your Preferred Day and Time Slot:


After selecting "Click Here To Book Your Call," you'll be directed to view my availability. Choose the day and time that aligns best with your schedule.

Once you've chosen your preferred date and time, simply fill in your basic information.  


Complete Your Details and Process the Payment: 

Once your payment is completed, an email will be sent to you with a Zoom link and confirmation details for your upcoming call.


Prepare for Your Call:


For our scheduled call, please utilize the Zoom link that was emailed to you upon booking, to join the meeting. Have a journal and a pen handy for note-taking and problem-solving. 

P.S. With Nate's book tour fast approaching and a growing list of clients on retainer, his schedule is rapidly filling up. If you see an available time slot, seize it immediately. These openings won't last long!

Click Here To Book Your Call