
Please note that I can’t take any responsibility for the results of your actions, and any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use or non-use of the information available On the BeGreatWithNate Academy. Please use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan or practice suggested or recommended On the BeGreatWithNate Academy.


No Refund Policy

Nathan Ortiz does not offer refunds on coaching services. Nathan Ortiz is here to coach you to your highest level of success, and part of that requires you to be fully invested with your monthly payment. When refunds are an option, you can have “one foot in” the work and “one foot out” the door. It is to YOUR benefit to decide BEFORE purchasing your package and committing to work with me that I am the right coach for you. If you’re in, you need to be 100% in, just as I will be for you.Â