Understanding Lack of Motivation

There comes a time in our lives when we lose motivation, discipline, and positivity. We can battle with “how we used to look/feel.” We try to get back on track, but we just can’t pull it together for some reason.

I went through this for a year and a half, 2021-2022. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I was gaining weight, losing motivation, and fighting negative thoughts daily.

At the end of 2022, I figured out what the problem was.


We lose motivation, discipline, and positivity because we get off RHYTHM.

The pandemic took me off my RHYTHM. Gyms were closed, I lost my gym in NY, I moved to LA, had to build a new community, moved my business online, and lost my little cousin, grandfather, and stepdad. I was stripped away from my flow in life.

Instead of figuring out why I was off, I struggled with guilt and shame. At the end of 2022, I discovered I was off my RHYTHM. I sacrificed the “Fame/Credit” I had as a celebrity coach in LA and returned to the east coast ( NYC Area) to return to my RHYTHM.

Instead of being on a retainer with celebrities ( where they can call and train at any time), I now got back to an organized schedule that allows me to train, cook, read, write, coach, edit content, and create more value for you :)

Think back to when you were disciplined, positive, and motivated. What was your RHYTHM like then? Now, think about how your flow is different today. Do you make time for YOU? Is your “Me time” inconsistent during the week? Why? Are you allowing work, people, or distractions to take you off RHYTHM?

Try your best to figure out WHY you’re off your RHTHYM and what simple steps you can take today to get back on RHTHYM.

Texas was great. We had a fully booked workshop, I appreciate all of you that came! You can see some videos and pictures from the workshop here.

We submitted the book last week to 25 publishers and already have editors reaching out to set up meetings. My first meeting is this Thursday!

LA, June 2nd, seems to be the day that makes sense. Most business offices I rent from aren't open on weekends, so Friday, June 2nd, seems to work best. As soon as we hear back from this one office we want to rent from, we will officially set up the registration for the workshop and will reach out to those on the waiting list, then will send an email to my email list if you aren't on my email list, Sign Up Here (Free). 

Lastly, I have encountered an interesting theme in my coaching program for the past year. 75% of my personal clients and workshop attendees have a small business or want to start one and are interested in learning how to build a small business.

I have taught hundreds of clients a formula I used to build my business. I call it, Turn Your Dream Into Green. This isn't a formula that will make you “millions” overnight. Those ads are very misleading. Instead, I teach you the groundwork and blueprint for getting your gift and value to people looking for what you have to offer.

The more people who KNOW about your offer, the more business you create. The problem with most coaches/entrepreneurs is that they try to make money from a potential client immediately. I don’t believe this is the first move to make. The first step is to think about how to give VALUE to your potential client. Most people don't know it takes an average of 8 months for a potential client to buy from you! Ha, crazy right?

After coaching clients on how to set up the blueprint to Turn Their Green Into Green, I decided to do my first online workshop on this! This workshop will take place on June 10th at 10 am est. I will also keep you updated when the registration is available.

It's a GREAT day to be you :)


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